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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Social Service

Social service means serving the societies. It means helping the people who are in need. It is a greatest kind of services because while rendering social service we do not except anything. Real Social Workers finds himself rewarded if his service to any of his society member becomes fruitful.
Man is said to be social animal who loves to live only in society. We are helped by people at the time of emergency. It becomes our human responsibility to help them at the time when they find themselves helpless. Besides, if we serve others, definitely others will serve us. Social service is one of the best ways of improving society. There are many great social workers, whom the world finds pleasure to remember. Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale etc. are the greatest social workers who have sacrificed their own live in several others.
Social services can also be rendered individually. There are even associations opened for rendering social service. Some of the renown internationally respected social services, which has been set up in Nepal Are paropakar sanstha. The Marwari sewa samiti, Nepal scouts, Red Cross society, SOS Balagram etc.At the time of unfortunate natural calamities like floss, earthquakes the government organizations from temporary social service groups and them in rescue operation. Necessities of social services in a country like ours, where many of them are ignorant, can not by exaggerate. It is therefore, every one of us should extend our helping hands for the benefits of our society and the country in whatever way can.

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