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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The problem of Unemployment in Society

The problem of unemployment is a serious problem in our society. If millions of people are without any jobs its effect is very bad. A man without an employment is a burden to others. If he has got to maintain a family, the situation is worse. Such unemployed people are reduced to poverty. It demoralizes them and they forced to do undesirables works and spread discontent. In fact, they are a source of danger to society and the state.
The causes of unemployment are mainly due to the rapid growth of population. The prevailing system of education and under development of industry and trade has also added to this problem. It is very difficult to get jobs for all who are in need of it.
Cottage industries in the villages have been ruined owing to the establishment of large mills and factories in towns. Consequently, many artisans have been thrown out of the employment. There has been great pressure on agriculture land because of the growth of population. All these are mainly responsible for this acute problem of unemployment. Thus there must be opportunity for all to get technical education. More mills and factories must be set up in towns and cottage industries in the villages. If this can be done the problem can be solved without much delay.

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