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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Female Education

Female education means the education of woman. A nation consists of men woman. Women from nearly a half the population of a country. Beside women and men are the two wings of a bird. A bird need both of his wings healthy to fly. Similarly, progress is confirmed only when man and women are equally educated. Female education was neglected in our country in the earlier days. Still social connections and poverty has won to keep women at home with out education. Some women are still forbidden to go out and work in other fields of activities. This idea has however been slowly vhanged among the education people. We find some educated women in towns but village are still uneducated.
The people of town have realized the necessity of female education. They send their daughters to school and colleges. But the villagers have not realized this. Now, the government should turn their attention to the village also. The government should encourage the parents of village to send their daughters to school. The government should provide some facilities to them.
We should realize the necessity of female education and encourage our relations and neighbors’ to send their sons. We should make them realize that the family, a society or a country can not progress fully if female are not educated.

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