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Sunday, November 29, 2009


The English word ‘Democracy’ is the union of the two Greek words ‘Demos’ and ‘Kratia’, Demos means ‘crowd’ and ‘Kratia’ means power. In this sense democracy means power of the crowd. But, however the meaning of word democracy is little different in reality then in true sense of the word. ‘Democracy’ very commonly means now, a rule by a majority of the people who act according to certain rules and regulations widely accepted by the people of a country. The most famous definition of democracy is as Abraham Lincon said, ‘It is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Nepal got democracy in B.S. 2007 after over- throwing the crucial rule of Ran’s. It was however been limited to one party system. In true sense, Nepal gained true freedom with democracy in multiparty system in B.S.2046. Now, we have democracy in multiparty system with the king as the head of the state. People can vote to the able candidates and send them to form a government body.
Democracy has many merits. It encourages and enables equal opportunities to make progress to all the people. People enjoy their rights. There is no difference for power since every citizen is equally granted with one vote right. People are supreme and can not be exploited by any dictator or group of persons. It gives freedom of expression to the nasses. People are free to develop their inherent capabilities which contribute to progress of the country.
There are also many demerits of democracy where the literacy rate is very poor. Democracy is the government of popular majorities. It is well known that majority of people in our country are uneducated, suppressed and controlled. In this case, the majority might sometimes, send worse people to make a member of governing body. Besides, to develop a country like ours, a long run plans are necessary. But in democracy long run plans are made by a government and at the time of implementation, the government’s period is over. The new coming government mostly disagrees to continue the old government’s plans. So, a country cannot make voters are always influenced by capitalists, industrialist, bosses of Mafia at the time of election, luring their votes with money.
In democracy system of government, the principle of power is used. Power will be distributed and separated to different organs of government. It helps in smooth running of the system. But, if only a country is literate people can then really enjoy the benefit of Democracy.

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