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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Buddha Jayanti

Buddha jayanti commemorates three importance the Buddha’s life his birth, enlightment and nirvana. The Buddha was born as prince Siddhartha in Lumbini of southern Nepal on this full moon day over 2500 years ago. And it was on this same full moon day that he attained enlightenment in Bodhgaya and passed away into nirvana at Kusinagar of India. In the Katmandu valley, the festival is also known as Swanya Punhi or the full moon day of flowers. The main ceremonies take place around the massive stupa of Swayambhu. Situated a top a hillock to the west of the city center. From early in the west of the city center. From early in the morning, devotees can be seen through the shrine with musical bands. Offering of butter lamps, incense and rice are made to the many Buddha image there. Priests perform ancient ritual dances. Sacred paubha scroll paintings and Buddha images are put on display.
At Anandakuti Bihar, nearby a Buddha relic is brought out to receive homage from the devotees. Colorful processions are also held in the three cities of the valley. At Bouddnath, the Buddha Jayanti celebrations are equally captivating. An image of the Buddha is mounted in a decorated elephant and taken in procession around the big stupa. As night falls, the stupa and the balconies and homes are lighted up with thousands of candles and butter camps.

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