search your dream

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Presence of unwanted intolerable or poisonous substance on the environment is known as pollution. It can also be said as the negative sides of progress of science and technology. Besides, over population is also an important factor which has added to the problem of pollution.
With the rapid progress of science and technology there are several man made machines used for our different purpose. There are many industries which give off poisonous gases like, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, carbon dioxides and etc. Besides the thick means of transportations also add to the impurity of our environment. The wastes are haphazardly thrown anywhere. The waste substance which comes out from the different machineries are very harmful to the health of living things.
Therefore before it gets too late we all must join our hands together and solve this problem. I think we all must promise to stop cutting down trees. We must stop throwing wastes haphazardly. We must plant trees and preserve greeneries. Government should launch programmes to recycle wastes To solve this terrific problem we all must contribute ourselves our helping hands if we think our generation should continue.

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