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Thursday, December 24, 2009

The importance of Education

Education is the act of learning. It makes a man responsive to change. Only change can bring progress. Therefore, education is very necessary. To be educated means to be able to lead a trained life. By learning, a person can have knowledge of many things. Form the knowledge he gains through education, he can develop himself and can also help to develop his family’s society and the country. It makes him realize why change is necessary for development besides, people become scholars and scientists by means of education is his home, from his sisters, brothers and his parents. Later on, he learns many things in schools. Afterwards in colleges, he studies a subject of his choice. In this way he becomes an educated person.
Education plays a vital role in the overall development of man kind. It makes scholars, and technicians who can serve for the country’s development.
Education can also be said to be our internal eyes. If the external eyes helps man to work, walk and do various activities, internal eyes helps him to deeply and to separate right from wrong. So it will not be wrong to say that a person is blind without education. Although he will have external eyes but without internal eyes he will lack the insight to be able to work accurately. Education is a wealth of a man. It can not be robbed or lost. It is therefore we are accurate to say that education is an important factor of development of a man, his family, a society and a country.

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