search your dream

Sunday, November 29, 2009


People residing in village are said to have been enjoying country-life. Some people say that villagers are made by God, but towns are made by men. At first there were only villages and not towns. Nowadays, many villages have turned into towns and cities. The country life is very simple and peaceful. We enjoy there many beautiful sights of nature. We see green fields and beautiful flowers. We see the birds singing on the trees, we can enjoy fresh and pure air. We can get fresh fruits and vegetables. We can get pure milk and ghee. All these things are cheap in the country. People can live in the country with a small income. Their wants are few. The people in the country know one another hence one helps one’s neighbors’ in times of need, danger and difficulties.
But there are disadvantages also in the country. The roads are not good. There is no light in the road at night. The facilities of schools are very poor. There are hardly any libraries. People cannot learn much about the world. The facilities regarding transport are poor and primitive. For these reason their ideas are narrow. Life and property are not safe here as in the town. We cannot get all things even if we have money to spare. Good doctors are very few in the country. Sometimes we have to run to the nearest town for doctors, medicines and other necessaries of life.
It is difficult to say whether country-life better or the town-life is better. Some like the country-life while others city-life. Our National government is trying to improve the condition of the villages. Under its development scheme, it may be expected that people of the villages will enjoy many amenities of the town-life. Then more people will be attracted to live in the villages

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